Privacy Policy


Effective as of 09/01/2024

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for Confidence in the Digital Economy,known as L.C.E.N., the following legal notices are brought to the attention of users and visitors, hereinafter the "User," of the website[](, hereinafter the"Site." The User's connection to and navigation on the Site implies full and unreserved acceptance of these legal notices. These can be accessed on the Site under the "Legal Notices" section.**




The Site is published by RedactAI SAS with a capital of 1000euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Lyon under the number 983027673, whose headquarters are located at 12 rue de la Part Dieu,69003, Lyon.  

Phone number: 0778387851,

Email address:  

Intra-community VAT number: FR82983027673  

The Director of Publication is Yohan Callet,  

hereinafter the "Publisher."




The Site is hosted by Google Ireland Limited, headquartered at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.




The Site is accessible from any location, 24/7, except in cases of "force major", scheduled or unscheduled interruptions that may a rise from a need for maintenance.  

In the event of modification, interruption, or suspension of the Site, the Publisher cannot be held liable.




The Site ensures the User's personal information is collected and processed with respect to privacy in accordance with Law No.78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files, and freedoms.  

Pursuant to the Data Protection Law of January 6, 1978, theUser has the right to access, rectify, delete, and oppose their personal data.The User can exercise this right by sending an email to


Any use, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, or modification of all or part of the Site, without the Publisher's authorization,is prohibited and may result in legal actions and proceedings as specifically provided for by the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code.

Privacy Policy

Updated on April 25, 2024


REDACTAI, registered with the RCS of Lyon under number 983 027 673, with a capital of 1,000 euros and headquartered at 12, rue de la Part-Dieu, 69003 Lyon (hereinafter the"Company"), places great importance on the protection of personal data it collects and processes in the course of its activity both from users of its services and from the platform it operates.


Thus, the collection and processing of personal data carried out by the Company as part of its business operations and the use of the products and services including the website operated by the Company at the address (the "Site")are governed by this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the"Policy").


This Policy aims to inform the concerned individuals about:


- The manner in which the Company processes Personal Data, as defined below, that it collects and that Concerned Individuals, as defined below, provide with their consent to enable the provision of the Company's products and services;

- The rights of the Concerned Individuals, as defined below;

- The name of the Data Controller,as defined below;

- Any recipients of data transfers.


Concerned Individuals are thus invited to read this document carefully to understand the practices the Company implements regarding the processing of Personal Data.




The terms used with an uppercase letter have the definition given below. The terms have the same definition whether used in the singular or plural.


- "Personal Data" refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the "Concerned Individual").

- "Data Controller" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the Data Controller may be designated or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided by Union or Member State law. In this case, the Company is the Data Controller.

- "Processing" refers to any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission,dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination,restriction, erasure, or destruction.


General Rules on the Collection and Processing of Personal Data


In accordance with Article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR), Personal Data must be:


- Processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently in relation to the Concerned Individual;

- Collected for specified,explicit, and legitimate purposes;

- Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary;

- Stored for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;

- Protected in their integrity and kept confidentially.


In accordance with Article 6 of the GDPR, Personal Data is processed lawfully if this processing meets at least one of the following characteristics:


- The Concerned Individual has given their consent;

- The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract;

- The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation;

- The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the Concerned Individual;

- The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest;

- The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller.


Nature of the Collection of Personal Data


Concerned Individuals may be required to provide the Company, in its capacity as Data Controller within the meaning of the GDPR, with information and Personal Data concerning them:


- Identification data: names,first names, date and place of birth, copy of your identity documents;

- Contact details: postal address, email address, mobile phone number;

- Economic and socio-professional data.


For all practical purposes, it is recalled that the Data Controller is, in accordance with applicable legislation, the entity that defines and limits the data to be collected as well as the purposes of processing.


Some personal data are mandatory,others optional, to access or benefit from certain products and services of the Company.


In any case, these data are collected and processed on the basis of a legal obligation, the legitimate interest of the Company, and/or the consent of the Concerned Individual.


In the absence of communication of mandatory personal data, the Company cannot respond to your requests, as the case may be.


Purpose of Collecting Personal Data


The Company, as Data Controller,requests and collects Personal Data concerning the Concerned Individual when they wish to acquire the products and/or services offered by the Company.


This information is necessary for the Company to properly perform its services and to comply with its legal obligations.


Without it, the Company may not be able to provide all the products and/or services requested and ordered by the Concerned Individual.


The collection, storage, and processing of this information and Personal Data are mainly intended to:


- Ensure the service(s) to which you have subscribed (performing transactions, accessing and managing your account);

- Enable the Company to respond to your requests;

- Facilitate customer support services;

- Allow the Company to send publications, press releases, and information to users upon request;

- Provide information to potential acquirers/merger partners, if applicable, as part of outsourcing, sale, or merger (including by acquisition) of part or all of the Company;

- Allow the Company to manage its business relationships, if applicable with its service providers and partners;

- Improve the Company's products and services;

- Enable the Company to perform statistical analyses.


Recipient(s) of Personal Data Collection


The Personal Data collected by the Company may be communicated and/or transmitted, for a fee or free of charge, to third parties contractually linked to the Company for the performance of subcontracted tasks necessary for the provision of products or performance of services, without users having to give their authorization.


In the event of a confirmed violation of legal or regulatory provisions, this information may be communicated upon the express and motivated request of judicial authorities.


Retention Period for Personal Data


Personal Data and/or information will only be retained to allow the fulfillment of order contracts concluded between the Concerned Individuals and the Company and to enable the Company to pursue the processing purposes specified herein.


Exercise of Rights by Concerned Individuals


In accordance with regulations on personal data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation No.2016/679 (GDPR), every person has the right to access, rectify, restrict,delete, and, where applicable, port their data, as well as the right to object to the processing of their personal data, subject to legitimate and compelling reasons, to be exercised at any time by email request.


Each Concerned Individual also has the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority.


Transfer of Personal Data Outside the European Union


In general, the Company stores the Personal Data of Concerned Individuals within the territory of the European Union.


However, some of the Company's partners and service providers may be located outside the European Union, and the Personal Data collected may be transferred to non-EU countries, where the data protection legislation differs from that of the European Union. If the recipient country does not ensure an equivalent level of data protection to that of the European Union, the Company undertakes to provide appropriate safeguards, either based on an adequacy decision or, in the absence of such a decision, on appropriate safeguards such as standard contractual clauses, a copy of which can be requested at the above contact details.


Links to Other Websites and Social Networks


The Site may occasionally contain links to the websites of our partners or third-party companies.


Please note that these websites have their own privacy policies, and the Company disclaims any liability for the use of these websites of the information collected when you click on these links. The Company invites you to read these websites' privacy policies before submitting your personal data to them.


Changes to the Personal Data Protection Policy


The Company reserves the right to make any changes to this Personal Data Policy at any time, in accordance with this clause.


If the Company makes any changes to this Personal Data Protection Policy, it will publish the new version on its Site and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Personal Data Protection Policy.


The Company therefore invites you to consult this page regularly.